MIMObit is made up of the following three applications:
RadMap: fixed environment, different placement (‘Heat Maps’ coverage in homes, offices, outdoors)
PropStats: fixed Tx, Rx placement, different environments (near and edge coverage)
OrientStats: fixed Tx, Rx placement, different environments and device orientation (near and edge coverage, arbitrary orientations, CTIA OTA certification)
Radmap solves the scenario of a Tx radio and a distribution of Rx radios around it. It calculates quantities such as Signal power, Interference, SINR, Capacity, etc. at each Rx radio. RadMap provides a view of the Signal, Interference or RF power in the environment as a function of frequency, time and location. Provides the ergodic capacity and throughput at all the receivers and plots Probability Density Function (PDF) and Cumulative Density Function (CDF) statistics over the sample of all the receivers. This is ideal for coverage studies as well as Cognitive Radio and performance assessment of Dynamic Spectrum Access scenarios and algorithms. RadMap is most commonly used to assess the RF Noise environment, the Network Capacity and Throughput.
PropStats selects a single Rx radio at a specific location and provides its capacity and throughput over a sample of random instantiations of the propagation environment. Plots PDF and CDF over the sample of all the propagation environment instantiations, and/or times, and/or frequencies. PropStats helps compare antenna performance in realistic environments, and is ideal for product design performance assessment in general propagation environments.
Orient stats is a superset of PropStats with the added feature that the orientation of the Rx radio is swept by a series of rotations specified by three Euler angles. Therefore, OrientStats allows for the study of the Capacity behavior of a Rx radio under any angle(s) - comparing antenna performance in realistic environments. OrientStats is also able to simulate the "CTIA Test Plan for 2x2 Downlink MIMO and Transmit over-the-air performance" and produce suitable test reports.